Celebrating the rise of female homeownership in Australia this International Women’s Day

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“Women continue to increasingly value their financial independence, and one of the ways this is actioned is via property ownership.” – Tonina Ryan, Aviser Finance General Manager


This International Women’s Day, the Aviser Finance team is celebrating the Australian women who are narrowing the property gender gap. By doing this, we hope to encourage more women to realise their full potential and embrace their independence through homeownership. 

While there is still work to be done to achieve true gender equality in property ownership in Australia, the progress we have seen in recent years is cause for celebration!

Embracing Equity

The 2023 theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Embrace Equity.’

A moral compass of equal opportunity guides the team at Aviser Finance forward. We take pride in helping our clients to reach their full potential, regardless of gender, race or social background.

Whether someone is entering the property market for the first time or refinancing their current loan, we want to help everyone achieve their individual goals.

Closing the gender gap

According to data from CoreLogic, 28.3% of property purchases were made by female owners in 2021, up from 27.4% in 2020 to 27.3% in 2019. As the property market stabilises, these statistics should continue to grow.

This shift reflects the changes in social attitudes towards gender roles, greater economic independence for women, and increased access to finance and other resources.

We continue to see more female representation in the workforce, and the recognition of wage inequity gives women more purchasing power. As more women are promoted to higher management roles with an ever-increasing value both in monetary terms and hierarchy, they have increased opportunities to enter the property market.

These societal changes are a step forward for all women and help us move closer to true equality in homeownership in Australia.

“Financial independence is a crucial foundation of equality that we aim to support.” – Tonina Ryan

Independent Women

By closing the gender gap in property ownership, we are helping to ensure that women can achieve true independence. Closing the gender gap in property ownership is not just a matter of social equality but public health and safety.

In many cases, women who are victims of domestic violence are trapped in abusive relationships because they lack the financial resources to leave. Without property ownership, they may have no choice but to stay in a dangerous situation, living in fear for their lives and their children’s lives.

Giving women the resources and support they need to own property can help reduce domestic violence and create a safer, more equitable society for everyone.

Moving Forward

Many Australian women don’t realise that they are already in a position to purchase their first property! 

We want to empower all Australian women to enter the property market. The team at Aviser Finance can discuss your current borrowing capacity and the required deposit and help you take advantage of many government incentives available for first-home buyers.

If you are unsure whether now is the right time to buy, we can prepare a savings plan to help you get there. 

Aviser Finance is committed to further progress towards true gender equality by closing the gender gap in property ownership.  We are excited to help more women take control of their financial futures in 2023!

Contact Aviser Finance today to get started on your journey.

Happy International Women’s Day from everyone at Aviser Finance!

If you need family and domestic violence support, please call: 1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732

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